Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tour du Leman

The Tour du Leman is a 180 km tour around Lac Leman or Lake Geneva. It started in Lausanne and went clockwise around the lake into France for 80kms then back into Switzerland, through Geneva at roughly the half way point and then finished the circle back to Lausanne. You could start between 6.30 and 7.30am. I started just after 7.00am. They waited until there were 30-50 or so people on the line then let us go in groups. The weather was forecasting rain all day and was quite surprised to see so many people starting. As soon as my small group set off a handfull of faster guys started to move to the front and the pace never really let off from there. Of course I could have sat up any time but my goal was to see what kind of time I could do. The rain started right after the start and poured down quite heavily as our small group of 5 or 6 whipped through the small town that are closely packed on the lake shore outside Lausanne. I flogged myself around the 180km course in 4.57 and was quite pleased to finish 77th out of 987 starters for an average of 36.2km/hr.

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